Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Song of the Day - Ain't Got No / I Got Life
One of those days when you find a song, which you want to listen over and over again. Today for me - few of Nina's Simone songs "Ain't Got No I Got Life" and "Love me of leave me". I definetly recommend them...great jazz music.

More about Nina Simone
Sunday, January 28, 2007
New Year in Vienna
I was positively surprised how well Austrians were prepared to celebrate New Year. There were about 8 different concerts on the day in Vienna's downtown with music for different taste: classic, rock, pop, latino music, radio DJs and etc. One street was closed specialy for ball dances. Everybody could come there and dance traditional dances such as Vienna’s Waltz. We were lucky to visit Weihnachts (x-mas) markets, because usually they are already closed at this time of the year. So, we didn’t waste this opportunity to drink Gluehwein (mulled wine) and eat Wiener Bratwurst (sausages).

Beatiful/Distinctive/Provoking Hundertwasser's architecture:

Austria is one of those few places, where people are still being trusted. (If it’s not visible in the picture - the newspapers are not in any way protected. Newspaper publishers rely on people's conscience to pay right amount)

Contemporary Art

... and here is my contribution to it.

Sunday, November 19, 2006
"Springtime for Hitler and Germany"
Lucia and her two Finnish friends stayed over in our place for a weekend. We had a really good time ... during those three days we visited so many interesting places, tried different English specialties (mainly beers and ciders) and watched a musical, which was simply hilarious (we were laughing our heads off). Moreover, we also met Adrea, Adomas, David and Jorge with his wife. Once again it felt like the NIT Bubble.
After watching "The producers", the tune "Springtime for Hitler and Germany" stuck in my head and didn't go away for at least 2 weeks. It was funny to notice that some of my colleges started to whistle the tune as well.

Saturday, September 23, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sit and Play
Crossing Jubilee Bridge I noticed very interesting installation, which gives you a chance to experience being part on the symphonic orchestra.
Once a person sits on a cube, the instrument associated with it, gets enabled and you can hear the instrument playing. When just few people sit on the cubes, one hears just those few instruments, but when bunch of people cover most of the cubes you can really feel as you are in the middle of symphonic orchestra. The orchestra plays different music pieces each week (new commissions from young composers and the classical repertoire).

Sunday, August 13, 2006
Greyhound Dog racing
I've never been to a dog racing before. At the beginning I didn't know a single rule, but at the end of the evening, thanks to the dog racing experts Ernesto and Ewelina, I was a professional. Betting 1 pound on each game, at the end of the day I came with a small profit (5 pounds). Not much, but considering that I came here to loose money, it was great. Overall experience was wonderful. We had loads of fun and that's the most important.
Here are some moments of the day:

BTW If a dog shits just before a race, it is considered a good sign, because the dog becomes lighter and can run faster :)

The experts