Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Finished reading "Liar's poker" Michael Lewis
The book is definitely worth reading if you want to learn more about a culture and people's attitude in investment business, which can be explained in such a way "F**k others or you will be f**ked". The way author describes situations, people and whole atmosphere makes you smile nevertheless that describing events are very tragic and cruel. The book starts with author's first experiences to find a job. The author made many accurate (very skeptical) remarks about a recruiting process. It was amusing to read that because I am currently going through the same hassle in job hunting. At the middle of the book gets a bit boring but at the end it again gets better. In the last chapter the author tries to draw some ethical conclusions, which doesn’t sound very persuasive. Money, greed and risks topics are depicted very well though.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Got a call from Lucia
It's so cool to receive a call from a friend which you haven't seen for few months. It was good to know that she is doing fine in Netherlands where she recently started her PhD. Of course we still miss the old good Hamburg, coffee rituals in the 3rd floor kitchen and many friends who stayed there.
That is how I remember Lucia.

Ok, ok .... I won't be mean :)